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Published | 2024/02/08 |
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Beau says:
Senate Republicans are described as embracing open borders and chaos, influenced by Trump's fear-driven strategies, leading to disarray over critical decisions like aid to Ukraine.
Political observers
Detailed analysis and context on the current political climate and the implications of internal party conflicts.
#RepublicanParty #Senate #Trump #AidtoUkraine #PoliticalDisarray
Well, howdy there, internet people.
Let's bow again.
So today, we are going to talk about the Republican
Party in the Senate and how things are kind of going there
because it's taken some interesting turns over the last
couple of days.
And we're just going to kind of run through everything.
If you were to engage in no spin and just use the rhetoric that Republicans would use
to describe Democrats, if Democrats did what Republicans did over the last 48 to 72 hours,
Senate Republicans have decided that they are now the open borders anti-Israel pro-China
Pro-Putin as well.
But that one kind of, that's been there for a while.
That's really what they did.
Now obviously they have all of their reasons and their pretend reasons for doing it this
But if you weren't trying to play into their nonsense, that's what you would come away
with because that's what they did by their own rhetoric.
What actually occurred was you had a few Republican senators look over at the House and they're
like hey you know all of that dysfunction and disarray that that's
over there in the House that has turned the US House of Representatives into
just a giant clown show we need some of that in the Senate and we are going to
follow Trump's advice and engage in the same kind of indecisive action that led
to all of the mess in the house. That's really what happened. Trump does not want
any kind of border security to actually move forward. He doesn't want that
because he needs to scare people. Those people who are easily frightened, those
people who are easily manipulated. He needs them to win. He needs their votes
and he knows that if any border security stuff happens, the Republicans who voted
for it, they're gonna say it was a success, which is gonna undermine his
message of being the only one who can do anything and scaring old white people.
So, he told this to the Senate.
The Senate, some of the Senate, some of the Republicans in the Senate tanked a joint bill.
It has created an utter disaster for the Republican Party because again, Trump doesn't care about
the Republican Party.
He doesn't care about conservative values.
He never has.
He's lied to you for years.
So he is in the process of absolutely destroying the Republican Party for his own benefit, but whatever.
Schumer, being incredibly gracious last night, was basically like,
guys, y'all have the night. You need to figure out what you want to do by tomorrow,
talking to the Republican Party, and gave them the night to figure something out.
out. Realistically, there are four things that people are trying to move
forward in the Senate. You have the border security thing, you have aid to
Israel, aid to Ukraine, and aid to countries in the Indo-Pacific region, and
that's going to be used to deter China. That's what the aid is for, and then you
have the border security thing. Each one of those is its own separate component.
The one that matters, the one that has to happen and happen quickly, is the aid
to Ukraine. The rest of it, whatever. It can be sorted out later and for the most
part, none of that is dire. The aid to Ukraine really matters. They have to sort that out.
If the United States is just going to fold and decide that it no longer wants to be a world power,
the Republican Party has decided it wants to be weak and destroy the U.S. economy and they want
want to vote that way, that's fine. They can do that, but they need to make the
decision because Europe and Ukraine in particular are waiting. That component of
this deal, there's no time to play games with that. It is way past time to get
that through or say you're not going to do it so other arrangements can be made.
The rest of it, not so much, it's politics.
Now McConnell is furious, but he's at the end of his career.
Schumer and McConnell are on the same page when it comes to the aid for Ukraine.
Whether or not they can pull together the votes and whether or not they can get the
votes in the House, that remains to be seen, but right now the Republican Party is in utter
disarray because you have some members of Congress in both the House and the Senate
who are Republicans who are listening to Trump, who apparently are unaware that Trump is playing
them for a fool and is going to destroy their re-election chances so he can get this scared
old white person vote to really what's going on.
So hopefully the Republican Party will return today and come to Schumer with some kind of
sign on what they want to do about Ukraine because that's what matters
right now. Anyway, it's just a thought. Y'all have a good day.